Legal & General

Defining a unified customer experience for digital products.

Role: Product Design and Lead UX

The problem

Initially, this started out as a small but important problem…

When a customer reaches 55 years old, options become available to them when they have a pension. Customers weren’t interacting with the content that promotes the benefits and helps them make the right choices.

After some initial investigation it was discovered that within the digital Pension product, these important messages were hidden from 55% of customers who used mobiles to access the site.

“There is no easy way of signposting a customer to important educational content”.

After a lifetime of saving this meant that customers were missing out on making important decisions.

When we then looked across the portfolio of digital products at L&G we were able to highlight similar problems in all teams. This led to a review of the overarching IA and content structure across all the digital products to standardise promotions, messaging as well as the in-page navigational structure.

The process of discovery

Run a series of workshops to understand the bigger picture across all My Account products:

  • Key goals

  • Where do we want to be a year from now

  • Benefits to business/customer

  • Measures of success

  • Problems that need to be solved


We ran a series of workshops with designers and developers to ascertain the best way to create an accessible, easy-to-use experience that was scalable across ALL digital products.

Moving away from tabbed navigation to card based.


We narrowed the concepts down to a series of three different layouts, looking at navigational structure and content. Remote user tests were run to ascertain the easiest to use of all three asking participants to navigate from the My Account home page into a product, back out and into a different product, performing tasks.

Next steps

Breaking down the tested designs into incremental steps for delivery towards a new customer experience

One of the first steps was to amend the headers across all products to have a consistent background colour and include a primary CTA with the Top task and a secondary dropdown with all functions available for each product.

First adoption

The responsive structure that has been used in the redesign of the Life insurance My Account area which had limited online functionality for customers when they needed it most. Other areas are in the process of implementation based on their adoption of the L&G design system canopy.

A standardised colour pallet, header pattern and card structure allow easy access to all features.

Consistent blue header and cards


The most important information based on customer needs is displayed on the overview page with links to help them complete their top tasks.

Understanding of the customers’ Next best action based on their age, life stage and interaction with L&G.

The outcome

The updated card and navigational structures are being adopted and drip fed into all digital products within L&G. This not only reduces the development cost but also creates a consistent customer experience.

Rollout across all business units takes time… watch this space.

Contact me for more details

